Shaker maker taker!

lundi 1 mars 2010

Mojito Sunshine

Planet Mojito
4cl d’eau
4cl de sucre de cane liquide
4cl de citron vert
2cl de sirop de menthe
Infuse with fresh mint for 10min strain into plastic ball shaped ice moled and put in frezer.
Put the ball in martini glass fill with 4cl Bacardi Superieur and perrier, tern the ball with spoon to chill and flavour the cocktail with the sorbet.
Serve with glow staw and a light coster.

The Sun of Mojito

4cl Bacardi reserva
4 scoops of mellon Cantalope
1 of Bacardi butter(unsalted butter lots of suger mixed hard with spoon and hand till arm gets sore,add some runny honey and a little bit of bacardi. )
1cl de sirop d’ orgeat
4cl lime
Blend with crushed ice and poor into cored Mellon with brused mint finish with perrier serve with staws.